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Anti-Scalping Plugin




The Anti-Scalping plugin is intended to employ an anti-scalping policy on a particular group of traders as to prevent them from closing orders within a specific time after opening. This plugin will prevent traders from using expert advisors to make frequent trades within a small time frame.


Plugin Installation


To install the plugin, the MetaTrader 5 Server program has to be stopped temporary before copying the AntiScalping.dll file into the “MetaTrader 5 Platform/MainTrade/plugins” in the server root directory.


  1. To stop the server, click on Start > Administrative Tools > Services.

  2. Under the Services window, look for MetaTrader 5 Main Trade Server and click it.

  3. On the General tab, under Service status, click on the “Stop” button and wait for the MetaTrader server to stop.

  4. Transfer/Copy the AntiScalping.dll file into the server root directory “plugin” folder.

  5. Go back to Services window, click “Start” button to start the MetaTrader 5 Main Trade Server service.


How to order the plugin


The plugin is an extension to the server functionality.

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