Deposit Limit Plugin
The Deposit Limit plugin is a useful plugin which limits the designated manager account’s ability to deposit into trading client’s account operation. Each manager accounts are deposited with a usable balance that it can utilize and limit at. Each deposit amount made by the manager into trading client’s accounts is taken off the balance of the manager account and each deposit transaction is stamp into the history journal.
Plugin Installation
To install the plugin, the MetaTrader 5 Server program has to be stopped temporary before copying the DepositLimit.dll file into the “MetaTrader 5 Platform/MainTrade/plugins” in the server root directory.
To stop the server, click on Start > Administrative Tools > Services.
Under the Services window, look for MetaTrader 5 Main Trade Server and click it.
On the General tab, under Service status, click on the “Stop” button and wait for the MetaTrader server to stop.
Transfer/Copy the DepositLimit.dll file into the server root directory “plugin” folder.
Go back to Services window, click “Start” button to start the MetaTrader 5 Main Trade Server service.
How to order the plugin
The plugin is an extension to the server functionality.